Came across these links while doing more research. Very concerning! Question the narrative, do your own research.
Governmental tyranny, loss of rights, loss of jobs, loss of businesses, homes, lives, hopes & dreams and worst of all, the future of our children. The Great Reset, indeed!
EXCLUSIVE! Ontario nurse SPEAKS OUT: No coronavirus emergency in Ontario hospitals
EXCLUSIVE: Trudeau gave $830K for COVID19 research to WUHAN LAB suspected of kicking off pandemic
Tucker: Some lockdown lawmakers want to stamp out dissent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmghNve6QFY&feature=emb_logo
CONFIRMED: Trudeau has NO plan to REOPEN THE ECONOMY | Michelle Rempel Garner | MRG
Here is the clip the CBC didn't want you to see.
Our social media overlords have plans to stifle any Wuhan virus dissent
Based on the Wuhan virus's known risks, Scott Atlas says to unchain America
Liberals vowed to “assist China” during COVID-19, grabbed PPE from Red Cross to send to Wuhan
Manny Montenegrino: 500 days later, the “Two Michaels” are still hostage in China